Ayoub ********
This is a summary of
Ayoub ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 27 comments.



Ayoub *********
@Andy *********
Morocco is way better than than the uk lol .. & that’s not even about Weather lol the uk is wet cold the people are horrible everyone is depressed sad and no smiles , the uk is a hell hole and that’s why people are running away
Ayoub *********
@Andy *********
British Passport that’s it …. I’m Enquiring for a Moroccan citizenship too , which will make me a dual citizen
Ayoub *********
@Steve ******
I also have coaches that Live here and his brother that lives in the uk , they are also opening a gym here but it’s not open yet so I can’t get a admission from them just yet
Ayoub *********
@Steve ******
I am not working and not choosing To work , I trade so I’m going to keep that quite I have £45k saved up in one of my accounts which I can show them
Ayoub *********
@Andy *********
I am born in the uk 30 years ago with a British Passport I mentioned Morocco because I travel to Morocco instead of going back to the uk which is a hell hole
Ayoub *********
@Andy *********
I am born in the uk and I am MOROCCAN because of my Parents …
Ayoub *********
@Andy *********
noooo I’m born in the uk with a British Passport- no visa just on the 30 day stamp from Phuket airport
Ayoub *********
@Andy *********
hmmm interesting , the thing is I haven’t even done my 30 day free stay from the stamp at the airport ? And I want to head to immigration tomorrow morning and speak to them to find out what I need to do or what’s the best Thing to do
Ayoub *********
@Dan ******
so what’s best to do ? Go visit that gym tell him I want to join up and learn more Mauy Thai ? Get an admission from them and then I can try get a ed visa ?