They came to my room later with the manager on the phone and they’d brought milk and water and medicine and stuff, bless them. The manager asked if I needed a doctor and wanted to know if I was ok but I said it was just the chicken, it’ll be fine when it’s all up, no big deal. Well, none of them had told her about the chicken! 😂 Oops. She wants to speak to me today and see the picture. I took it so I could send it to my mum and ask if something was wrong with it as it didn’t feel right.
Partially blind travel is quite an adventure to say the least! 😁
today is going to be equally as eventful, this was my dinner last night and I was too blind to notice until I’d already eaten some and then ended up throwing up all evening. I didn’t make any fuss but did point it out and they brought me a new one that still a bit questionable. Then the vomiting started 😂🤦🏻♀️
he wouldn’t say why he kept stopping and talking to people and didn’t explain why he needed to speak to the hotel three times and still couldn’t get there, it was well over an hour before he finaly accepted to use the map on my phone, which he’d dismissed several times previously. I think I get what you’re meaning, he didn’t want to admit to ME that he couldn’t do it and needed MY help. Especially as a single mum traveler with a child and a white cane! My maps app was right the whole time though.
it’s ‘Visa and everything else’ and tends to have a few less idiots than many of the other Thailand groups. First issue like this we’ve had in three weeks in the country so far so it’s all good, we’ll plod on.
It absolutaly did, I’ve had some great suggestions to help avoid it happening again and reassurance that it happens a lot and wasn’t anything overly alarming, just good old fashioned incompetence.