Lowell ******
This is a summary of
Lowell ******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 11 comments.



Lowell *******
Are you already in Thailand?
Lowell *******
Open at a BKK closest to where you live. Is not like in USA where you can always go to any branch. Many things you can only do at your "home" branch. Especially true if you intend to live in Bangkok. The Bangkok branches are kind of separate. Also there is a branch of Bangkok bank in New York City
Lowell *******
@Marty ********
I never once did a TM 30 in my three years in Thailand. I thought landlords and hotels took care of it. I have stayed in a few places where they did not even ask for my ID. Never had a problem with the 90 day check in
Lowell *******
I believe only the INCOME has to come from outside Thailand, unless you have a work visa.