Jay *****
This is a summary of
Jay *****
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 3 questions and added 9 comments.



Jay ******
@Michael *******
either the 30 day extension or the covid extension.

I came in to Phuket but would need to go to Bangkok immigration before my visa expires at the end of the month. Just wondering how much earlier we can go, and if the new visa still starts from the original expiration date (regardless of when we go to get the new stamps...)
Jay ******
@Michael *******
thanks. Obviously not the answer I was hoping for, but good to know for sure! 👍
Jay ******
@Kelvin *******
is there anything in particular that is needed to prove you have family and property interests over there?

I can't wait to get out of here!
Jay ******
You lucky buggers - I should not have left back in September! 🤦‍♂️
Jay ******
@Tod ********
thanks for the advice

One follow on question though; we still need a return ticket within the original 45 days, right?

Is that ticket just a write off, or is there any other option?
Jay ******
@Tod ********
the tourist visa is now up to 45 days +30days extension, right?

For those of us that would want to stick around longer term to make the quarantine worthwhile, but don't qualify for retirement (or work or marriage) visas, is coming in as Tourists then applying to learn Thai somewhere the only legitimate option?
Jay ******
Thailand stopped people from flying in from the start, not from flying out