What are the requirements for extending a stay in Thailand on a visa exemption while in Ko Phangan?

November 12, 2022
2 years ago
Karine *******
People on Ko Phangan 🌴 extending their stay after entering Thailand on a visa exemption - Please note that your hotel (or landlord, I guess) needs to complete an online document called TM.30 and upload a scan of your passport, and then they send you a document that you need to print, before you can apply for an extension for your visa. (Btw My hotel had a lot of difficulty getting the government app and the passport scan to work properly. The hotel knows how to use the app, but says it doesn't work well.)

I had a wasted trip to immigration as I did not know about this part of the procedure. This would have been a bigger issue if I'd left my visa extension until the last minute.

I don't know if this hotel document is a requirement in some other parts of Thailand too.


Edit: for people who are saying this is a standard procedure, I've never been asked for a document from my hotel when extending in Ko Samui. It had not occured to me that different immigration offices might have different requirements. Also, not all hotels ask to see your passport at check in.

P.s. apparently there is a room at the immigration office in Ko Phangan where you can have your photo taken. However, there is not a printer where you can print the TM 30. You need to do that independently elsewhere.

Best wishes 🌞
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TLDR : Answer Summary
When extending a stay in Thailand on a visa exemption, particularly in Ko Phangan, it is essential to have your hotel or landlord complete a TM30 form, which involves submitting a scan of your passport. This process is crucial as it documents your stay and is required before applying for an extension. There have been reports of difficulties with the app used for this process, leading to some travelers being uninformed about the requirements, resulting in wasted trips to immigration. It seems like procedures may vary by location, as some commenters note they have not needed a TM30 when extending their stay in other locations like Ko Samui. Additionally, while in immigration offices, it's suggested to have all necessary documents, as different offices have their own requirements.
PÃ¥l **********
Because that stupid app works only on Internet Explorer which has been abandonned by Microsoft already... But you can also do TM30 by yourself in person in immigration - small tip, for sure you can do it in Bangkok.
Heiki **********
And vaxxination not required 😞
Nivi *********
Steven ********************
Is the requirement to register at local immigration once arrived thailand within 48 hrs still in place and what documents needed

I have own house but guess need wife to be with me as it’s in her name
Eliza **********
Not in Patong
Glyn **********
Thai immigration must getting paid from the neighbouring countries. Their not making it any easier for people to come a stay long stays.
Dan *******
TM7 ? Thought that had been grandfathered
Brandon ************
@Dahni ******
TM7 is the application form for every extension. TM6 is the arrival card that is temporarily on hold.
Dan *******
@Brandon ***********
ah nice one thanks
Han ********
It's basically corruption and an attempt at scamming money. The TM30 database is their own ducking system; it really doesn't require a piece of paper provided by the tenant to show data that they can just query for. Never mind that the TM30 requirement (and potential fine for failing to do it) applies to the hotel/host/landlord, not the tourist/guest/tenant.

Yet they bother tourists with it, trying to scam a couple sad Baht when it turns out a TM30 has not been filled.
Golden ******
TM 7 didn’t exist any more
Greg ********
Last time I stayed on Koh Larn I asked the owner of the hotel if he was going to file and thus I would need to upon returning. He told me that legally they where not a hotel and they didn't have to file, thus I didn't. Crazy inconsistencies
Brandon ************
@Greg *******
😂 that's so wrong, even private citizens have to file if a foreigner sleeps on their property. But it's often easier for everyone if it's ignored.
Greg ********
@Brandon ***********
yeah I suspect nobody likes doing it and most Thais don't have a clue of what you are talking about
Stuart *********
Unfortunately each immigration office have their own interpretations of what is required. Some ask for a TM30. Some don’t. Some ask for a STM2 for a tourist visa/exempt extension, some don’t.

Although by law everyone (foreigner) has to have had a TM30 filed within 24 hours of arrival at a place many places don’t know about it, especially a Airbnb or house rental landlord. If you’re not needing interaction with immigration for anything then whether you have one filed or not is irrelevant.
Marc ********
The Land of confusion.
Ronald *********
When I reported in last week for my TM 30 after arriving in Korat the day before, I enquired as to the requirements for the 30 day extension.

I was given the documents to take home and fill out, and told of all the. copies I needed which is also explained on one of the documents.
Lyndon ************
Every hotel, guesthouse, landlord needs to do this for every foreigner staying overnight, within 24 hours of arriving.

The hotel/landlord etc 'should be' very familiar with the process, which TBH is very easy
Richard **************
I have two words for this: Philippines, Cambodia even Malaysia are welcoming. I will never put up with their stupidity again.

That might be more than two words.
Jordi ********
@Richard *************
almost every other comment on someone dealing with visa issues. People have different reasons to travel to Thailand. But thank you for pointing out that other countries are more welcoming.
Bennito *********
In Patong they never ask for it
Duncan *******
It's nearly like it has been law since 1979 or something...
Alan *******
@Duncan ******
Yeah but it wasn’t enforced until somewhat recently.

It wasn’t even practical to enforce until the technology was there to computerize it and do it online.

Imagine every hotel, hostel and apartment owner having to go to an immigration office in person to register tenants.

The lines would stretch to the horizon.
Duncan *******
@Alan ******
maybe not Koh Phangan but it has been enforced in Chiang Mai since about 2015 and Bangkok about a year later - neither are "somewhat recently." And TM30 online system isn't new either, been around for years.
Alan *******
@Duncan ******
Compared to 1979, 2015 is quite recent
Duncan *******
@Alan ******
but it's not new like this post suggested. It has been a legal requirement since 1979, just not enforced until about seven-eight years.
Alan *******
@Duncan ******
I know, which is what I said
Harry ****
What is stm2 never heard of that
Garrett ***********
@Harrison ******
It's at the immigration office, paper confirming you understand the pentalys of overstaying.
Metta *******
Should digitalize the system
Jay ******
@Metta ******
apparently a trial is starting in Bangkok soon. Finally!
Steve ********
@Metta ******
Hotels should be on the system and electronically register each foreign guest. There would only be a few that don't do this. I live in Thailand so I have the s.38 app on my phone which lets me do my own TM30 reporting. There is now also an app for 90-day reporting. It's a lot easier the last year or two now all this can be done in two minutes without leaving the bar 😂
Harry ****
@Metta ******
should eliminate it and grant a 90 day stay upon arrival
Nigel *********
@Harrison ******
I guess when other countries reciprocate for Thai citizens then maybe they will. That would be good all round
Harry ****
@Nigel ********
most Thai citizens are probably not financially able to travel, let alone travel for 90 days. It makes sense for them to give 90 days because they are a tourism dependent nation, and a lower income nation. Granting 90 day exemptions to wealthier countries is a benefit with no downside.
Nigel *********
@Harrison ******
you could say that for a lot of countries.
Alan *******
@Harrison ******
A few nationalities get that.

Guess they gave up enough to get Thailand to grant it.

If Thailand gave 90 days to everyone or made long term stays easy, a lot of people in the business of providing work arounds would be very mad
Metta *******
@Harrison ******
yeah better
AxMdob *******
Good advices
Frank-Steven ***********
And then one walks back to immigration with the copy of the TM30 receipt, proud as Oscar, in order to finally get the desired extension this time, only to learn, that they would like to see the copy of the landlords house-book and ID card again (which is exactly what the landlord already presented for getting the TM30). Or something else they just made up for lack of knowing their own procedures. Oh, I could tell stories about extending at different immigration offices. Hell, I could write a book about it.
Jordi ********
@Frank-Steven **********
Ill buy the book, love to read horror stories.
Steve *******
@Frank-Steven **********
and this is one of eighteen reasons to why I'm moving to the Philippines next week.
Kimberley *********
@Steve ******
what’s the 17 others?
Steve *******
@Kimberley ********
follow me on YouTube to see a full list. Remember to like and subscribe.
Delvonte ********
@Frank-Steven **********
Immigration steals time and creates unnecessary life stress. I was told by Nonthaburi to go to Bangkok because the owner registered there, then told by Bangkok to go to Nonthaburi because the condo is there. Then I had to request a letter from Nonthaburi in which they stated that they don't care where the condo is they want Bangkok to give the extension. Bangkok refuses then I had to plea with the officer to let me speak to a supervisor because they were putting me on the verge of overstaying. . They should just stop offering extensions.
Lindsey **********
@Frank-Steven **********

Happened to me this week yet again 😡
Brandon ************
EVERYONE in Thailand is required to report to the government the arrival of a foreigner to their property within 24 hours. This is called the TM30. Doesn't matter if it's a hotel or you're staying at a friend's house. Legally they must all report. The only time you ever need proof though is when using a service at immigration
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