Around 85,000 a month. Crikey depending on your location and overheads, that'd be very expensive for myself. I could live well on about 20k a month. Mind you I don't have to pay rent, electric or water.
It's not your money your faking, its the agents. God do a lot of Farangs in Thailand spend all their time on FB because their Mrs, girlfriends or boyfriends if that what floats their boat, spend most of their time just chatting with Thai family and Thai friends. Must be a lonely life 😆😆😆
Eric, I totally agree with your comment. As you'll be aware, there's so many righteous commenters on here, who are so squeaky clean and law abiding, I'm surprised they'd even contemplating living in countries where mai pen rai is the norm.
One wrong plus one wrong make two wrongs, one wrong isn't right and neither is two. By the way did your mama take your dummy off you when you were ten years old 😂😂😂
Finances with respect to a single transaction would be correct. What your quoting applies to companies with accountants employed cooking the books legally 😂😂😂
Who says I complain about illegals entering the UK and why should I have an issue with people using agents? Unlike a lot of keyboard warriors on FB its none of my business.