local immigration offices

Showing 11 questions

This page displays all the results for the Local Immigration Offices tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 11 questions that have been tagged with Local Immigration Offices. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Oct 29, 2024
3 months ago
Wesley *********
Is there anything stating how soon you can extend a tourist visa after arriving to Thailand? Is it based on the specific immigration center?
May 15, 2023
2 years ago
P ***************
Can someone clarify this for me please?

I have Elite Easy Access visa. It was affixed at Swampy in February 2023.

I did the required 90 day report in person at Khon Kaen Immigration.

Next 90 day report I will do online.

if I exit Thailand August 2023 for 10 days after online filing of 90 day report I know when I return the clock starts afresh for new 90 day report.

Will I be required to re visit immigration for the new 90 day report or can I just continue to file online.

Thanks for reading.
Mar 1, 2022
3 years ago
Chia *******
Hello everyone can I know where to extend my visa ? Currently in Thailand . Urgent needed .
Jan 3, 2022
3 years ago
Hemant *********
My Tourist Visa expires in Feb 2nd after a 60 day stay here. I would like to apply for an extension and wanted assistance for 3 things-

1. When should I ideally apply?

2. Where should I apply?

3. Assistance on process and docs pls
Mar 24, 2021
4 years ago
I've been here 14 months. Now I'm back on a tourist visa. Does anyone know which documents I need to renew it 2 more months? Does anyone have the link to download them? Thank you
Feb 5, 2021
4 years ago
Chiang Mai Immigration Office 60 day COVID extension update: I just returned after 15 days of "under consideration", getting my actual stamp (with end date 45 days from today). I explicitly asked if I could do another COVID-60-day extension right away, or when I would be able to do so at the earliest (giving the reason that I would be spending March on a small island without an immigration office). They said, they would only accept my new application the week before my current stamp would expire. They also clearly stated, that every day I came early, I would loose, since this COVID-60 day extension would ALWAYS be applied from the day of the application and NOT added to the end date of the former stamp. They admitted though, that other immigration offices (especially in the south) handle this differently. As to a reason why they stated that the big boss in the Chiang Mai office chose to do it that way. This confirms once again what I always assumed: There is not uniform approach to this, and every office can do shit differently. Bottom lime: In Chiang Mai Immigration by the airport, COVID-60 extensions are CURRENTLY only doable shortly before your existing stamp runs out.
Nov 23, 2020
4 years ago
Tod *********
We get a LOT of posts about what's required for a "marriage visa renewal" or a "retirement visa renewal" which is a way people ask for what does their immigration office require to get a new yearly extension of stay.

The reason we say go to your office, get the hand out and talk to them about what you need is not because we don't want to provide information, but because we don't want to provide the wrong information.

There are OVER 70 immigration offices in the country and sadly for us most of them do things their own way. There is very little across the board consistency between them.

What might work at one, won't at another, what's required at another might not be required at yours. It's just TOO hard to list every permutation of what's required at your office.

That's also why we say post on a f/b page related to where you live. I'd bet dollars to durian you're not the only foreigner in that province who has gone for an extension at that immigration office.

BTW: this is the same reason we tell people wanting 60 day covid extensions to go and ask OR post on a f/b page related to where they live.

Good Luck to each and every one of you, take care, stay safe
Oct 10, 2018
6 years ago
Tod *********
ATTN members;

From now on posts about TM.30's that do not say where you will be staying or what immigration office you will be using will be deleted.

The location in thailand is critical to answering the question with any degree of accuracy.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation
Apr 15, 2018
7 years ago
Robert *******
And again big discussion about the report of address with the TM30 form.

Dear members, it is so easy to follow the rules of your Immigration office, yes this is Thailand and new computer systems are implemented at several offices and yes that means training and staff to work with those systems,. And yes not all immigration offices has the time or staff to train and enforce this rule. Please commenting on a post like: I never did or I don't know or I paid fines does not make it clear.

The only thing that makes it easy for you ALL, contact your local Immigration Office and ASK, they don't kill you if if you ask information, but they provide the information and most of the time they are happy that YOU as foreigner want to stay inside Thailand within the rules.

Play their game and have a happy live, do what ever you like and pay fines. Remember that we all guest in this beautiful country and with playing their games we win more respect that just crying out loud: I did not know.

Enjoy your stay.
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