whilst there is a certain truth to what you are saying, returns can be made in Thailand. I've seen rental returns friends have made and these average out at about 5-6% after all expenses. Capital appreciation is minimal, but equally few have depreciated. I'm not saying there aren't better investment returns, but maybe Thai property isn't as bad as you suggest.
happy to help. We needed to draw a map of our property which was the only shock! We were not asked for rental agreement. Just Thai ID, marriage certificate and copies of passport, 1 photo, copy of wife residency address.
Update. We went back today and got our 60 day marriage extension. There was initial confusion as they wanted bank details etc but we made it clear we didn't want the year extension, only the 60 day extension as I'm back to work soon! Then they suggested we wait and see, but I insisted we wanted extension. So thanks for all the advice it really helped. It took just over 1 hour. Maybe the amnesty will get extended, but I'm happy to pay for the peace of mind.