Dustin *********
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Dustin *********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 17 comments.



Dustin **********
I had a similar upbringing in the rural south. At first it felt weird but now I find it refreshing that I can walk a few meters and get a good meal for a couple of dollars and support local businesses. I still do all of my own laundry though. However, it’s easy in Bangkok to find a room with a kitchen and washer and typically a dryer in the building. Not sure where some of these negative comments are coming from - you acknowledged it is a subjective matter. Unfortunately expat groups are some of the most toxic places on the internet. I just block anyone unhelpful 😂
Dustin **********
They help with the visa and they are a very good school.
Dustin **********
@John *********
thanks, that’s the answer I was hoping for. And I guess getting the 30 day extension after the border bounce won’t be an issue?
Dustin **********
@John *********
I went to the school yesterday and their advice was to wait, so I did not apply. They are saying it has been taking 4-5 weeks lately. If it were 4 weeks it would have fallen on the 10th which is a Wednesday and I’d be safe. But if it took even a couple days longer I’d have a problem because the 12th is the last possible day I could go to immigration for the conversion.
Dustin **********
@Brandon ***********
thanks - it’s my first border run ever, so I’m hoping it won’t be a big deal.
Dustin **********
@John *********
I entered on March 5. It can take up to 4 weeks to get the approval letter from MOE, then once you get it you have to go to immigration with at least 15 days left on your visa or visa exemption. So say I apply now and at the beginning of April when my current entry expires, I get another 30 day extension. The problem is that immigration is closed during Songkran and also a couple days the preceding week. If I didn’t get my MOE letter until right before that, I wouldn’t be able to get the conversion while having at least 15 days left on my visa exemption. I would have to wait for immigration to reopen and by that point I would have less than 15 days remaining. I couldn’t do a border run at that point because you have to restart the Ed visa application if you leave. So it’s best to start it right after entering so that you can get an extension and that 60 day window provides ample time. If it weren’t for Songkran I would be fine but the school felt it was risky.