No worries. I always try to help those struggling with the English language. Scam is defined as a "dishonest scheme" but I guess there's nothing dishonest in paying bribes to government officials? It seems you've been scammed by agents too! Never mind, you're not the first and won't be the last 😂😂
Obviously you're not aware that agents pay bribes to immigration officers to obtain visa extensions that cannot be obtained through lawful means! Never mind, you've a lot to learn about scams in Thailand! Taxi drivers also provide services! 😂😂😂
Yes. It's a choice to be scammed. Happens every day in Thailand. So if a taxi driver wants to charge you 500 baht for a fare that you know is only 350 it's a SCAM!! But a visa agent who wants to charge you
baht for a 1900 baht visa extension is a CHOICE?? 😂😂😂. Google "Deluded" ✅✅✅