David ********
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David ********
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David ********
Read 1st july and 1st september. So can not guess...
David ********
@Debbie **********
show your passeport and the document received (tourist visa) at the control. They will put stamp with the end date of your document. No other document to show
David ********
Belgium - got mine in 7 days but embassy asked me 2 times other documents per mail
David ********
David ********
@Stuart ********
ok good information for me. I print my E-Visa :)
David ********
@Brandon ***********
yes you are right they changed for the type of test. But they didn't confirm to reduce the sandbox days (to 5) in an official report. The actual restriction is the picture of John.
David ********
the government decided to not change (reduce) the restrictions due to new variant omnicron. So the sandbox is not reduced !