Brian *****
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Brian *****
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Brian *****
You obviously did not read the original question.

It was definitely not about citizenship and my answer was not about citizenship.

I suggest you read the original question
Brian *****
@Srey *********
actually it seemed to me that people answering your question here did not understand your question.

There was a lot of rubbish written.

That gave no answer to the question you asked.
Brian *****
Non immigration means your not immigrating into the country as a future citizen.

You are simply visiting the country as a guest for the period of time that the visa stipulates. Which ever non immigration visa you have.
Brian *****
@Andrew *******
exactly. As I understand it. No family connection or official reason to go to Thailand.

No visa . Except the new long stay visa.

That is not for uk though as they are on high covid in many parts
Brian *****
@Garrett **********
Well so much for not knowing.

Seems you are to lazy to check it out yourself.

So if anyone is waiting for another amnesty. Tough on those that do. October gives all , time to sort the visa application.

Information —————

Foreigners currently on visa amnesty, who didn’t make the initial September 26 deadline to file for extension, can extend their visa between now and October 31. The Immigration Bureau is trying to reduce overcrowding at local immigration offices and say that no matter what day the 60 day extension is made, it will go into effect on November 1.

In an extremely last minute decision last week, the government extended the visa amnesty, which had expired on September 26, to October 31. Under the new regulations, extensions are now 60 days each.

Those who already paid 1,900 baht get a 30 day extension by the initial cutoff are advised to get the stamp changed at their local immigration office, allowing them to stay until November 30 at no extra cost.

Many foreigners had scrambled to get their visa sorted out before the deadline, crowding immigration offices. Police even threatened arrest for overstay. But many did not make the cutoff and were unable to leave the country. A foreigner in Nakhon Si Thammarat, who was in the process of filing for the 30 day extension, says she was fined 2,000 baht for overstay on September 30, before the new regulations were official and published in the Royal Gazette.
Brian *****
@Tod ********
yes I know.

I bet it won’t happen again.


Check it out with immigration. Simple
Brian *****
At the end of October the amnesty ends.

You can go to immigration and apply for a 60 day extension.

That was the condition for the now amnesty extension.

Don’t wait till the last minute.

Sort it now.

You can reckon there will be no visa amnesty extension end of October.

(New visa amnesty allows foreigners to stay in Thailand until October 31, with 60 day extensions)

The visa amnesty, twice extended, expired on September 26. Then another amnesty was launched yesterday which allows foreigners, without visas or with lapsed visas, until October 31 to sort out their visa situation. The grace period acknowledges the problems many foreigners are having organising flights back to their home countries at a time much of the world has an acceleration of cases. Extensions will now be 60 days each.
Brian *****
The first entry on the long stay visa which was Chinese people due on 8 October was delayed anyway. Now first possible group won’t be coming in until after 25 October and that is not definite either.

What ever.

It does not start until after 25 October 2020

This is the reason why 25 October.

Tesagan Gin Je

The 2020 “Tesagan Gin Je” (pronounced “Jay”) festival is happening this year from October 16-25. Sometimes known as the Vegetarian festival it is technically more of a vegan festival
Brian *****
@Dana ******
I cannot promise but sometimes it is worth trying with 0066

Not using the + sign

I have had the problem with + before