Brian *****
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Brian *****
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 31 comments.


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Brian *****
@Colin ********
Have you ever been to Thailand. Because if you have. I suggest you don’t go again.

Why are you in this group???

Do you see yourself as special??
Brian *****
@Jack ************************************
Reference your comment.

( Most Thais don’t have salaries & property).

I seem to have met the wrong Thai people.

Every one I have met have jobs and salaries. Some have degrees others haven’t but work. Even own land and property.

Maybe I made a mistake and thought I was in Thailand but actually wasn’t 🤣

Come on please. To say most do not have salaries or property. What a ridiculous statement you made.

Obviously there are those who do not have work or a home but there again it’s the same in most countries. In fact all countries.

If the particular Thai does not have the appropriate funds then the person inviting the Thai to Europe or UK can give a covering letter taking responsibility for the visiting person.

To finish. The person that thumbs up your statement obviously has no idea either.
Brian *****
Apply for a 6 month uk tourist visa.

Gives you a 90 day period in uk
Brian *****
Finland. Holland.

These countries do give two years multiple entry Visa when requested.

Holland is a good choice.
Brian *****

Informal medical certificate in English that you are fit to fly (also called “Fit to fly / Fit to travel” medical certificate), issued no more than 72 hours before departure

Medical certificate in English certifying that you are free from Coronavirus COVID-19, together with a laboratory test using RT-PCR, issued no older than 72 hours before departure

It’s not a scam and the time for the medical will probably depend on the doctor used.

If the doctor knows the patient.. then it is only a formality. The time it takes to fill in the form and sign it.

If the doctor needs to do a medical checkup before signing the form. Then all can be done in two days.

A scam it is not.

You just need to get the timing right for the not older than 72 hr. Part.

That should not be a problem.
Brian *****
@Natcha *********
It does not matter what various people write on this chat forum. Most do not know the correct answer. Just a general idea.

Embassies are of no doubt different from country to country.

The only correct answer of procedures is that of the embassy in the area or country you are applying in.
Brian *****
Embassies and consulates that are issuing visas are giving a listed advice on procedures.

Simply get in touch with the appropriate Thai embassy.

Each embassy had its own procedures.
Brian *****
@Andrew ******
Why should he be putting his life and others at risk?

After all the checks one needs to do.

Basically impossible to put anyone at risk.

Anyway not your problem