If you are 50 years of age or over, then you can apply for a retirement visa, under 50 you can only get a tourist visa and have to abide by the rules concerning tourist visas, all the information regarding tourist visas are available on the Thai Embassy web site in the country you live in but its limited how long you can stay in any 12 months period with a tourist visa.
You need a car if you play golf all year round, I was advised many years ago, in Thailand buy a car rent a propertybecause you will never own freehold anyway, but it depends on your individual circumstances.
I would not come without a job already guaranteed, this country is not the same as the US or Europe, if you do come without that guarantee you may end up very disappointed.
If you arrive in Low season, the amount of property you can choose from, dependent on your budget and your preferred location is very comprehensive to say the least.