Get an O-A Visa in your home country with the equivalent of 800,000 in your country's currency - in your home country bank. Apply at a Thai Consulate - again in your home country. The O-A Visa holder is required to get Health/Medical/Hospital Insurance but all this can be done. A good deal because the O-A Visa has a face value of one year - but it will actually allow two consecutive years. After two years you can go hone and do it again
No need to carry your WP except for visits to a Thai Consulate, Thai Immigration and the Labor Ministry or perhaps to get a bank account or get a Thai Driver's License. The WP is not related to Exiting or Entering Thailand in any manner whatsoever.
Actually in most cases an email or fax of the successfully submitted WP. 3 Application and the Labor Ministry Verification Letter will not suffice. In most cases these two documents have to be the originals sent to the B Visa / WP Applicant by International Express Mail
People who have never been an Admin of a FB Group likely do not realize the minimal group management tools we are given... Very Skimpy. Plus there is no ability to create a subtopic thread and just move a post there out of the way where people can interact all they want.
Letting a post linger with people posting "me toos" and debating endless minutia is that every comment or reply causes the post to rise to the top of the page. This in turn pushes new posts down the page and sometimes out of sight.
As Admin of 4 very busy groups... when there is a post violating rules it is removed without notice or explanation. Same with inappropriate comments or hijacking comments - zap.
It is up to the person to figure it out - maybe even read the Group Rules before posting
There is another document issued by the Labor Ministry that is required to be a part of the B Visa application package. The other document is a Cover Letter verifying the issuance of the WP. 3 stamped "Successful WP. 3 Application". This cover letter is signed by a Labor Ministry Officer and is often issued at the same time as the WP. 3 "Successful Application" copy is made available. But it can take 2-3-4-5 days before the Cover Letter is issued.
- The Miami Consulate is an Honorary Royal Thai Counsel General. These Honorary Counsel Generals are contractors - usually not Thai Nationals. Starting several years ago their authority to issue various Visas has been cut back rather drastically.
The policy at Krabi Labor Ministry for issuing the Cover Letter took 5 days. 😣
My Accountant was supposed to have turned in my WP. 3 on that same Monday morning that I crossed into Laos. BUT... she finally got there on TUESDAY afternoon. Counting Express Mail Time... I had to spend 14 days in Savannakhet 😠😡🥵.
I was taken to the Labor Ministry a few days after my return to get my Work Permit.
Note: some Labor Ministry Offices are more efficient giving out the Cover Letter the same time as the handing over of the stamped WP. 3 and can be sent to the B Visa Applicant much more quickly