I agree...and I feel sad that the Philippines is heading such a sad future..just lucky I guess that I was born in 1965 and to have a strict mother making me realize that poverty and stupidity are match made in hell..So strived hard to finish schooling and change my future ..thanks to my strict mother!
my freedom I was talking about is since in a month invite to bdays, coffee dates with gf, or walking in the park..that for me is enough to feel free..sleeping around not my habit..
not Thai, I'm Filipino and married to a man supposed to be from a strict culture ..but I am treated as a human, as a wife, as a woman..I am not a servant, caregiver only to our kids. I do or rather did my duties as a mother and wife very well but I enjoy my freedom to mingle with my girlfriends without hubby checking on me every 30mins. I can come home past 10pm as long as he knows..giving a wife time to be herself and with her own circle of friends is healthy ..
this is not disregarding the husband, but taking a free time after all the chores..good for her emotional health..I do that too and my hubby we sometimes do separately if our sched don't align..he can go while I stay home to do chores..nothing abnormal with that ..