Michael *********
This is a summary of
Michael *********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 3 questions and added 25 comments.



Michael **********
I’ve had one for about two years would it still work
Michael **********
You can get your bank balance over the phone with international calling
Michael **********
@Ste ******
If she has a Thailand passport she should have no problem coming back Thailand
Michael **********
@Оливер ********
I am still recovering when I can get out I am going to look for a good insurance company in Thailand just in case of an emergency you cannot go to the bank when you show up in an ambulance
Michael **********
@Оливер ********
My travel insurance does absolutely nothing I have to send my prescriptions receipts back to recoup them to
Michael **********
@Оливер ********
If I was still working it would’ve paid straight to the hospital I retired from Chicago laborers union for some reason it is different it’s still pays 85%
Michael **********
@Оливер ********
these travel insurances don’t pay your hospital bills I had to pay cash 7000 American dollars luckily I will get reimbursed by Blue Cross Blue Sheild In America but I still have to wait for my money
Michael **********
@Vicki ********
I also use TransferWise but I don’t know how do I have to pay taxes in Thailand on my money that I transferred from my bank