If its an emergency situation you might stand a better chance . Other than that unless you have been married a while and show that its evident he will return to Thailand , you will have to go the normal route ....
I made through immigration got stamped out . By the time we got to the gate they had closed the doors . Air Asia agent walked us back to immigration and cancelled our exit . Royal pain I'm the rear . And an extra 300 dollars for new flight plus one night hotel . We did not waste any time after getting off our first flight it just couldn't be done .
I had an hour and 30 minutes to depart exit immigration and catch my flight . Strange thing was the same plane I got off was the plane to take me to Cambodia . I checked in at the counter but missed the flight . Had to buy a new ticket for the next day . When I booked I had 2.5 hours , but they moved the departure time .