Russell ********
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Russell ********
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Russell ********
Of course yes, up to 7 days before. Also a period after I believe, but not a good habit to get into.
Russell ********
@David **********
if it does Tod will know. You have advice here from the most knowledgeable source. Forget everybody else.
Russell ********
@Graham ******
well...yes. the idea is to attract incremental visitors, not make it easier for those here !
Russell ********
Yes you are right that the 400k is the minimum threshold for the 12 month extension period.
Russell ********
I thought the first one has to be in person
Russell ********
90 Day reports are mandetory for almost all visas and unrelated to them, except that they may affect the date you need to register by following a visa renewal. Check the page Immigration inserts at the back.
Russell ********
@Rune ******
he is talking about making a report, not leaving.

90 days and Visas are 2 entirely different aspects
Russell ********
They need to be current, recent and you'll need your bank book fuly up to date in addition
Russell ********
Correct as above: there seems no longer to be a 'trailing spouse' opportunity to a Non O 'Retirement' visa.