Sean *******
This is a summary of
Sean *******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 7 questions and added 105 comments.



Sean ********
Get a retirement visa and yearly extension. Easiest option.
Sean ********
Ah ok. Yes Penang is known for wanting those.
Sean ********
Is there any reason you flew all the way to Penang and didn't bother getting a 60 day tourist visa for Thailand?
Sean ********
How would anyone know that one person in the group was the 'manager'? If it were just a large family on holiday the 'father' would typically be in charge, but he wouldn't have any special visa.
Sean ********
@Robert ***********
My solution to that (after 9 years here mostly on Tourist visas) is to set up a Thai company and launch a business here.

It took a couple of years to identify the right business and its taken longer than I planned to raise funding to get it off the ground, but I'm closer to the finish line (starting line?) with planned launch now in Q1 2018.
Sean ********
@Robert ***********
Yes, that is a good visa to have acquired.
Sean ********
@Parmentier *****
I don't use motorbikes. Only BTS or cars.
Sean ********
@Robert ***********
Presumably you don't have just the 5 year version.