Neil **********
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Neil **********
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Neil **********
You can get a 60 day tourist visa with a 30 day extension giving you a 90 day tourist visa
Neil **********
Yes I fly with KLM they are a good airline never had any problems
Neil **********
@Frédéric ****************
not true .

do some research it’s , exactly the opposite to what you just said .

false positive are many .

False negative none !
Neil **********
@Jamie *****
well in the Uk and Europe it s been known
Neil **********
@Jamie *****
it’s widely reported that the pcr test can give a false positive result !

You could test positive and not have it ! But You can’t have it and get a negative result !
Neil **********
I just got here there’s a form to fill in you can downlode from the Thai embassy web page ! That’s the only one from the Uk gov you need
Neil **********
You need to go to the vets and get a pet passport vaccinations etc the can needs to be in a carrier and the cost is the weight of the cat plus carrier . The airline will class it as excess baggage
Neil **********
@Stan ******
that 25 k was the initial set up cost of opening a back account in your name depositing 800,000tb and the visa the following year will be less around 12-15,000tb