kawakami Long Sabz Solicitors Manchester office. Ref Mr Faheem Hasan. They specialise in immigration and I recommend them. In 202l I paid £700 for then, girl friends 6 month tourist visa. Got in 3 weeks
this person is right. Also if she is not rich. You can sponsor her. Did this in uk now wife not girlfriend. Re spousal visa 5yr route to Brit passport.
Sure can. Happened to me on grounds she did not have a steady income into her bank. I was fully sponsoring her !!!! Refusal came from Brit embassy in India. Apply to British immigration in London make sure you fill in all paperwork without mistakes. You be her financial sponsor. Google for information and application form too long to list here.The 2 main items 1) supporting herself while in UK. 2) Give reason/evidence why she must return. Some other your bank statements passports photo. We are married now living in UK. Spend time half here half Thailand. Or use Sabz Solicitors ref Mr Faheem Hassan in Manchester all done on Emails hope helps good luck.
josh is 100% right. I did it from UK. You can be her sponsor. Google what infor you need. She will have to email you some that's required. I tried once while in Bangkok I was financially sponsoring her. She was turned down for not earning enough money.
I wish you luck. I'm only living in UK for health reasons with my Thai wife. Otherwise I would sell up and live in Thailand. Much better life. Good luck hope all goes well.