Jamie *********
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Jamie *********
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Jamie *********
Mate best we can do is work and holiday in Thailand unless you can teach or you want to open a buisness there’s not a lot u can do I’m sure on here we all have same dream and for me I’m up to 4 months in Thailand and 8 months working butt off in uk
Jamie *********
Or you could go back home and spend your remaing years in a tiny room on state benefits ….. not for me🤣🤣🤣
Jamie *********
Go loas there’s a casino on the border
Jamie *********
Thai dating is where I met my beautiful wife to be who is a doctor highly recommend if you want a real Thai women
Jamie *********
@Patricia *********
good I hope you every success I’m speaking from personal experience I was fleeced myself now I’m having a baby with a beautiful doctor training to be a cardiologist and I know she’s not after my money because she has more than me I treat her like she’s a princess and there are a few exceptions i wish them all the luck In the world as genuine Thai women are everything a man wants for a wife for sure
Jamie *********
Mum if she was a bar girl tell him to end it there are millions of beautiful honest Thai women that have professional jobs especially nurses and teachers just don’t let him marry a girl from the bars