Eric **********
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Eric **********
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Eric **********
I’ll tell you one thing. It will not be easy. She needs strong ties to Thailand. Great job, home or business ownership. Previous foreign travel would help.

Good luck!
Eric **********
Get yourself a script for pain killers and a serious muscle relaxant… only thing that works for me.
Eric **********
@Michael ************
100%! I used them too. 3 pallets. No weight limit!
Eric **********
Check out Visa Journey. I went through what you are describing. I found it very helpful.
Eric **********
@Ivan ***********
Agree. You are correct Fidelity has no fee.
Eric **********
@Jared ********
Just out of curiosity I did a Wise transfer and a wire from my Fidelity account. The difference was insignificant.
Eric **********
@Gert ******
Exactly. My tax return in the US last year was 162 pages!! Good luck making sense of that. I barely understand it.
Eric **********
@Gert ******
Not to mention how many languages? I find it hard to believe the Thai tax folks have the infrastructure to deal with the enormity of the situation.
Eric **********
If you have a cash account at a brokerage house like Schwab or Fidelity you can wire to your bank here for free. Rate it very close to Wise.
Eric **********
@Eric ****
Yes I ported my number and have Google voice. Never use it. Just as a backup