The guy is off the planet. I actually think he's a Carl Turner bot, trying to push people towards this blood-sucking leech. I only watched one of his podcasts and the guy has a arrogant "I'm the best" attitude and talks in a very condescending manner. But hey! He'll do your unnecessary tax return for a special "earlybird" price. Makes me sick
Go away you stupid little man! You are rambling. Scamper off and get your TIN and file your tax return like a good little boy, and leave the rest of us alone. We're ok without your cr*p
I think you need to lay off the weed buddy, you were talking crap before now it's oozing out your pores. You really have no idea. So a tourist who's here for 30 days has to file a tax return?? Oh Jesus - you've lost it! 😂
I'm talking about immigration you fool. Jesus! And tax is only assessable on money remitted into the country. You're not the sharpest knife in the kitchen drawer are you? 😂😂😂
Why would a DTV holder ever need a TIN? There's no need for a DTV'er to ever visit immigration. I think you're taking too much notice of the internet fear-mongers, or maybe you're one yourself? Where do you get the 95% figure from? Did the voices tell you that too?