You have so much to learn about Thailand, but given time, you'll get the hang of it. An old boss told me once "black and white is too rigid, you can't beat grey. Grey always gives you an out when things go wrong"
The Vienna Convention 1968 states 12 months from date of entry. The Thai Law restricts this to temporary visitors. I've provided the references. You cannot provide a reference to 90 days because one doesn't exist. You didn't even realise the DTV is a tourist visa. You're not the sharpest knife in the kitchen drawer
Shame doesn't come into it. If a person can get a five year visa utilising a four-week cooking course, good for them. What about all the expats who still pay
+ baht to an agent to avoid putting 800k into a Thai bank account? Do they feel shame? I doubt it!
You are the troll. I merely state facts, but it seems you have a bad temper and don't like to be proven wrong. That's your problem and you have to live with that. 👍👍