UK is different. Australia doesn't impose any time limits (although there is a proposal to introduce minimum 45 days every two year period). Unless someone totally severs all ties with Australia it's quite straightforward to retain tax residency, which I've done and now have the certificate which confirms this. The ATO has informed me this will suffice to illustrate to the Thai Tax Office that I am an Australian Tax Resident. I would only need to file a tax return if I receive income in Thailand, which I don't.
Retaining Australian residency is very easy. Yes I have a permanent home in Australia. In Thailand I have a 12-month lease and a bank account. In Australia I have investment properties, sharemarket portfolio, five bank accounts, four credit cards, driver's licence, electoral roll registration. I've also got a certificate of tax residency for Australia issued by the ATO. Look at 3 (c) and tell me my economic ties are closer to Thailand than to Australia! I'm sure you'll try. 👍
Actually sounds like you're the troll! DTV won't last long? You're now the expert on visas as well as IDPs. DTV has been a huge success, it's here to stay. And you still cannot show anywhere in Thai Law which states 90 days! 😂😂. Stop spreading misinformation!!
I think you'll find the DTV is here to stay! The Thai government is still pushing the "soft power" agenda. It seems to be only a few salty expats who are casting doom and gloom! Meanwhile a friend of mine just got a five year visa by providing five dental appointments! What a cackle! Loving it!