Heidrun ********
This is a summary of
Heidrun ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 42 comments.


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Heidrun ********
You can only apply up to 60 days in advance. Who knows what could change by May.
Heidrun ********
ThaiChana. But to be honest, not many people use it anymore.
Heidrun ********
You're in AQ and not Sandbox. So I would check with the hotel if they will allow you to apply the new rules. Usually the conditions you entered in are applied.
Heidrun ********
@Tod ********
same here. Online doesn't work, the app works with no problems
Heidrun ********
The validity of the visa means you have to enter Thailand before it expires. You will then be stamped in for 60 days, which you can extend once for 30 days.
Heidrun ********
@Paul ***********
you'll need all these forms plus a passport photo.
Heidrun ********
@Paul ***********
I've uploaded them to the file section of this group.
Heidrun ********
@Paul ***********
also, usually if there is a problem with your application, they would tell you when you apply, so once you're under consideration, it's pretty much a done deal. To note is that the Covid extension starts from the day you apply. Not from the end of your previous extension.