Richard *********
This is a summary of
Richard *********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 47 comments.



Richard **********
Its 750 baht, fee for services. Not worrg calling the bank for 🤣
Richard **********
@Clay ********
how easy is it to get a thai partner a visa to the states as a tourist unless your married?

Answer = Physically Impossible.
Richard **********
@Sergiusz **********
no sir very safe here. Not many road accidents happen , everyone wears helmets
Richard **********
Nobody needs insurance. Rent the bike for 250 baht a day, drive to your hearts content.

Once the 250 baht per day is in the renters pocket, they dont care if u have a license or insurance.
Richard **********
@Nick ******
tight…. Its you moaning about 800k you dough ball. Probs piss that on a wall in 6 months while u live off it a year. Whos the tight one…LOL
Richard **********
@Nick ******
we all dont eat 60 baht breakfast & dinners at cheap charlies.