Hi I'm english with a thai fiancee of 5 years and still struggling to get her a visa to come to the uk. tried 3 times and refused.
what is the best way to get around this I know marriage is an option.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The post discusses the challenges an English man faces in obtaining a UK visa for his Thai fiancée after multiple refusals. Suggestions include considering marriage as a potential solution, using a visa agent for guidance, ensuring the fiancée demonstrates strong ties to Thailand, and providing sufficient financial evidence. The necessity of a proper invitation letter, along with adequate documentation of the relationship and ties to Thailand, is emphasized. Various community members provide personal experiences and opinions on navigating the UK immigration system.
quit calling her "fiancee" because your embassy doesn't give a ruckus on how you call her. Get the proper proofs for her and apply for a visitor visa
Conrad **********
Marry Her
Jay ****
Buy her a plane ticket to Mexico. She can walk across the boarder and the pedocrat nazis will give her instant full citizenship, house, car, free salary. Then she can travel anywhere. For real though.
David *******
The uk is allowing thais to go to uk for holidays visa free at some point
it’s a proposal by David Cameron. Prob take years to come into force
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Steve *********
Neale **********
Get married and get a good immigration lawyer. Gonna cost you money because 3 rejections will be tough to overcome
Tony *******
Use a visa company in bangkok .
Andrew *********
If it was your first attempt...you must prove a connection....pictures together.....send her money....prove of correspondence....most of all....tell the truth....you would be supporting her and show them the funds in your stash ....but since it's the forth attempt, am guessing you have been economic with the truth ...only course now is a agent and am thinking that would be a complete waste of money....as far as the British embassy is concerned now, You've had your go and your blacklisted for 5 years....in my humble opinion 😕
Marcus **********
UK visa rules are now stupidly enforced as the IO try to cling on to the tiny bit of power they have left, as everyone else can see UK Home office is not fit for purpose.
Joe ******
No guarantee even if your married.
I know someone who got refused.
Alan *********
If you can’t satisfy all the other requirements being married will mean nothing.
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Alan *********
Mal *****
Dont sponsor. Say she is single and just wants a holiday, helps if she gas a job and other things to come back to, tell her to open another bank account and send money each month into it name it holiday fund this will show that she been planning a holiday, also only book 10 days holiday so just need to show around £120 a day spending with some extra, you can then change the flight as the Visa will be for 6 month
Mark **********
Don't Bring her to the Ununited Kingdom.....You'll ruin her
Av **********
Have her travel to other countries for many years first to prove she can respect visa laws
Tim *******
Look at getting her a fiancé visa, it’s a lot easier to get compared to a tourist visa. You have to prove you are in a genuine relationship and if you have been together for 5 years that should not be a problem
Once the visa has been issued then you have 6 months after she arrives to get married here and then convert it into a spouse visa
This route is the easiest way for you to get your gf here
Jason ******
100% her buffalo is sick that's why she can't go
David *******
Get a good get a good visa company I heard there is very good ones in Pattaya. Good luck
Simon **********
Did you apply yourself or use an agent?
I applied myself the first time, and I was also rejected. I went to an agent and she solved it first go.
Justin *********
The clues are in the rejection letter.
But make sure she has at least
baht going in and out of her account every month.
3 months statements.
0 baht in savings.
A letter from her job or self employment.
A letter from you soonsor saying you will support her.
3 months statements of the sponsors showing £1500 a month going in and out
From my experience you mustn’t have satisfied immigration with enough information to approve the Visa. If you give them more than they need usually no problem. 😉
Well that’s in Australia but both commonwealth.
Wayne ******
Why not take her to the UK on holiday then become a migrant like the rest I'll rather be living in Thailand than that country 🤔
Ricky ********
Pål *********
Just get an lawyer in Bangkok.
Patrick ********
Been through it contact a immigration lawyer ..
Jason ********
Uh, hire an immigration lawyer?
Eddie ***********
Hi burt what reasons did they give you ? Our first one was refused we got some bad advice and are just about to reapply I believe the office in Bangkok is moving on the 18th this month so may wait until just after the move and then wait a long 4 weeks for answer
Simon *********
Visitor visa first then apply for spouse visa.
The UK make it very difficult so apply from Thailand but the documentation and photos and bank statements and money sent to support her proof of all this.
Plus alot of other documents.
Try speaking to agency visa in Thailand they are very helpful. And it's cheaper than the UK
Simon **********
Get to France then it's easy
Steve *******
It's a numbers game .They can't control illegal immigration,so they are being real a,holes twisting facts to enable even half a reason to deny .Believe me,the visa processors for Thailand to UK have quotas. Most of the time processing is done in New Delhi...guess where their favours go to
David **************
Why would you even drag some one over to the UK it's a hole
Simon *******
I started seeing a Thai woman in January 2023 ,got her a visa to visit me in June 2023 filled in all the paperwork,she had her own business and a daughter so she had to go back to Thailand .
Burt ********
Hi simon seems like the right way to go. It's just we are so genuine and want to make it work we are not young kids I'm 67. She's 50
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Burt ********
Cliff **************
We used a visa agent the first time to learn the ropes. Done several for ourselves since including for her sons. This is for Australia which is basically the same requirements. Give them everything on the list. Don't leave anything out. Even statutory declarations.
Kevin *************
Dont even try with Thai to much shit will cost you big money
Rob *******
My girl friend and now wife has had 9 visitors visa with no issues! It is important that the form is filled in truthfully and accurately to their status or it does get refused if not truthfully done ? You need to show they have something to go home for! And not coming to try and stay!
Deniz *********
If it is for a temporary stay and If you know a business person in UK then let them invite her to UK.
Matthew **********
Just find a Thai lady that has a visa or that's already in country
Jushangin ********
Its your home country trying to do you a favour.
Sonia **********
Just asking . Why not live in Thailand it's easier if you want to be together??
Ian ********
Why has it been refused? It may help if you state this so people can advise you. I’ve just got my girlfriend a 5 year visa, this is the third visa in a row I have got for her with no issues, 2 previous visas we used an agent, then I figured I could do it all myself. It’s knowing exactly what you need to prepare and present in the application.
Bob **********
A good reason for her to return,own a home have kids and family,a good job, a healthy bank account always helps possibly insurance for the duration of her trip
Jeremy **********
Have a chat with these people. Adrian is v knowledgable and you won’t get ripped off. But it’s a long bureaucratic process as this UK govt doesn’t want people coming here
You will have to prove you’re in a relationship, meet income criteria, level of English etc
At each stage there are fees.
There are fees for everything
And it’s expensive
My partner eventually got permanent to right to remain
But was already in the country on a student visa
The system is very prescriptive. Lots of boxes to tick. And you need to tick them the way they want, with no flexibility hence the advice to work with an Agent
However choosing an Agent is a minefield as many are simply taking advantage and charge ridiculous amounts of £
Adrian Farley was v professional, very fair and got us what we needed
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Jeremy **********
Clive ********
You can apply for a fiancé visa to get married in the UK
Steve *********
I got 6 month in 3 weeks. The. 2 year multi entry took 2 weeks. The key is to overkill on all answers. Show she will return after visit. Like letter from her employer. Show she had job. Show she had gone to done bzck too show you have enough money to keep her. It’s long winded. But if you answer questions with lots of paperwork. It better than little or none. It’s normally done by outside agency and is a tick box job. You need make sure you can tick all boxes
- this is the correct answer but the original poster is vague about why she is being denied and what visa she applied for? Need more information to help with such a problem
- exactly...also having a history of refusal isn't going to help especially if they were never previously challenged. By doing nothing it's just re-affirming the belief of those who stamped 'denied' 🙄😏
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Tony *********
Andy **********
The invitation letter seems to be important. Likely more information needs to be included establishing relationship than if you are married. Agents might have the templates that work, though my understsanding is keep it to the facts and be concise. As indicated, establishing ties to Thailand is important; dependants, property (including a car or motorbike!), if self employed, evidence of business registration etc. Also, limit the period of the visit in the application, even though visas are issued for 6 months. 10 years of travel history is considered, so if she has no travel history, try and get some. eg a weekend in Hong Kong or Singapore. She needs no visa for these places, and HK/Singapore Immigration is highly regarded in London. Well, anyhow that's my plan as my wife has such a terrible immigration history. I fully expect her to be rejected, but can only give it my best shot.
David **********
5 years engaged is a huge red flag in so many ways
Peter *********
Use an agent
David **********
5 years as fiance and not married is probably the issue
you talking rubbish!Ive been with gf 17 years an she currently on 10 year-visit visa for uk after 5 x 2 year ones an a few single entry ones
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David *********
Lee ***********
It's not just Thai partners, things have tightened up, marriage is no guarantee, I know someone who was an invalid and even he struggled to get his now wife in.
Henry *********
Visitor visa or Settlement visa? There is no requirement to be married for either.
Jeff ********
I have doubts an agent will help much. I have seen an agent try to give false employment information that was so obviously fake she could have been banned. Face it, Thais are presumed guilty and in the US there is no place on the application to present bank statements or show you won’t overstay. There are too many applicants and too few officers and time, so they simply don’t care.
And since one of the best arguments that she will return home is that she is a carer here that caring role here would limit her ability to be away from Thailand to a short time.
does her family, or does she own land , any form of Govt job.
Went thru this helping a friend's gf get UK visa years ago.
If you get to the interview stage, your probably in.
It's frustrating, as so much is mood of IO.
Burt ********
She works the land. She also has a daughter 15 and her sister stays next door who would look after her for the 2 weeks.
Burt ********
Yes house and land.
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Burt ********
Dan *******
I would advise to use a visa agent.. they will recommend what answers to give.. for example the not having a valid reason to return to Thailand is one of most common reasons to get rejected. You need to have lots of valid reasons or they’ll just reject your application every time. This could include having a job, business, house, pets, strong family ties etc. obviously most people have those things but you need to explain it on the application. Best of luck. My wife got rejected twice, then we used an agent, now I do it myself. She’s been to the UK 3 times 🙏
that’s unlucky man. I don’t know why they expected her to know the postcode. I don’t even remember my own Thai postcode for the house I’ve been living in for 2 years
my own thoughts is they just want to limit who can go. Like thailand if not wealthy you are not wanted. Remember when Prayuth said Thailand does not want or need backpackers
I completely agree with you. Hense why they changed the income requirements for the settlement visa. I don’t wanna talk about it on here though before the racist turn up and hijack the post
Does she have a job? And a job to come back too???
No job no visa! I went through the whole process last year. Which was successful. I used agent. And they were brilliant. Tons of paperwork. But got there in the end!
lots of these types read stuff on social but have little comprehension or ability to tell the difference between each "category". They just see the hated non white foreigner in desperate need and become outraged. And then hysterically spew "you're a leftist" if anyone tries to explain anything.
there's a reason i try to stay away from(tourist) areas full of americans and europeans when I'm abroad. no matter where they go they bring the superiority complex with them.
yea, agree with that. Interestingly people on social media, mostly men of a certain type, get triggered by seeing my name and assume I'm one of those pesky foreigners. 😆
they get the bare minimum of what we adhere from international law. The costs may be high, but that's due to people gaming the system and charging the government ridiculous prices for uninhabitable abodes. If you think they are living in the lap of luxury then you are a gullible fool.
if I return to the UK, I have to wait 6 months before I am even entitled for NHS services. I have paid taxes for over 20 years, but it doesn't count. Immigrants do get much better treatment than returning expats. Sorry to say.
well, the fact UK ranks 19th out of EU + UK on the taking of asylum seekers would indicate most do in fact do that. Considering we once had a massive empire which means many of those seeking asylum will have some connection to this country, may that be from relatives or language, I'd say that number is actually pretty low. But I'm sure you won't let facts get in the way of your ignorance and prejudices
So explain away how many of these illegal economic migrants come directly from there place of 'oppression' to the UK without passing through another country? Since airlines became financially responsible for any that arrived on flights, very very few, because almost none come originally from countries surrounding UK.
There are legal routes to apply to immigrate to UK, and for genuine asylum seekers to be placed by the UN but these economic migrants choose not to or are unable to qualify so ignore the law of the land even before they arrive.
Many don't even understand the USA they see in pictures is not the UK.
But you will want to believe facts are prejudice because they don't fit your narrative.
also, your pseudonym suggests you're a fan of fascism but I've a feeling my knowledge of history is better than yours. But, then again, maybe it is the flex you think it is.
many pass via France where the immigration officials hand out documents to them explaining how to get to the uk, and what they can claim when they get there. And then probably escort them to the beach and wave them off with a big smile!
and that's asylum seekers fault?! You're concerned about the corruption that leads to the wealthy getting wealthy from that, whilst pretending it's an issue?
hello. I've friends working in the system. They are given money/ vouchers every week. They are put up in hotels and fed. Free medical care...British veterans font get this. 95% of them like their ID, but still got their mobile phones. Total economic parasites
it's increasingly difficult for UK citizens to return home if they have a non British family, the visa process is a nightmare and the overall financial requirements are huge.
A major factor in issuing a visa is the persons work history, wage and someone of importance who will act as a guarantor. If her work is not an approved profession then forget it.
to an extent, all of the above (although not conventional refugees, they’d surrendered). Interesting that you see my flag, but you fail to see or acknowledge an ‘elephant in the room’. Anyway, probably pointless to engage further with you in this thread if you have a singular opinion on this issue. Have a great weekend
my opinion is based on being well informed. By the way what you call "your ( union) flag" is actually my flag too. And it seems you think your singular opinion is ok. 🙄
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Lynnette *******
Pat *******
Is marriage a way around? Then do it. 5 years engaged?
Australia is hard too. Est thing is make sure she has sufficient funds and ties to to Thailand that shows she will return.
Sometimes it's best to give up as it's not meant to be
Alan *********
The key to problem , a letter from her employer granting her time off and expecting her to return to post, assuming it’s a just a visiting visa she wants.
bulking bank account is something UK visa officers specifically look for to deny a visa. They want regular income that can be explained with a job and that shows a connection to Thailand that they'll be coming back for. Irregular transfers from someone else with the purpose to get the visa they call "funds parking" and it's a red flag they will specifically deny for.
Shitty accents!!!! The Americans can't even pronounce the English words correctly.. It's horrendous 🤮 God forbid my countrymen would ever speak like a loud Yankee!!!!
its more about how the language sounds overall, for example I think the kiwi/NZ accent sounds annoying af, and certain british accents but not most of them. Americans are kinda cool when they get more southern but the liberal city accents sound borderline painful
how many shitty accents do the wailing Americans have Clay? Clay.....definition......sticky dirt without substance. Can hold water but not a sensible conversation 😂🤣
Most Americans don't speak English as America is a continent not a country. Most United Statiens are too dim to understand that so go for the easy option. 😀
What other countries on the continent have the name "America" in their names? North America is a continent and so is South America, there is no continent called "America" and most people know that colloquially speaking, "America" refers the USA. While I try and use the term "United States", is just being pedantic to try and make a claim that "America" is not a country, its a continent....
You are correct. Perhaps the moderators should filter some of comedians and editorials. The OP needs legitimate feedback. He is not a farang asking for ways to stay in Thailand without a visa or trying to screw the system.
I mean, maybe so, but how is it relevant to the question the guy is asking?
Joseph *******
i mean, im sure my comment was harmless idk why you're getting so up in arms about it, and I was helpful I think in throwing the possibility back onto the table that moving to your home country in the UK shouldn't be the only option you're considering, personally I'd prefer to live in asia considering the direciton the western countries are going these days
Mark ********
Pava Scotty Unfortunately i live here and hope to escape asap!
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Mark ********
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