Eve ********
This is a summary of
Eve ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 7 questions and added 14 comments.



Eve *********
@Brandon ***********
hi, does this mean if a woman is married to a Thai she does not have to have the same proof of funds?
Eve *********
@Stuart ********
is the covid extension still in cheangwattana division one building? Thanks so much πŸ™
Eve *********
@Philip *********
hi Philip, if you can’t answer my question please just scroll past you don’t need to waste my time or yours commenting unwanted opinions 😊
Eve *********
@Andy *********
hi Andy, my phone was a bit more expensive than £100 so would like to get it insured. I have reached out to a number of providers in the UK who have said they will not insure a phone not bought in the UK. If you know of one that will please feel free to share with me 😊