there's a lot of details missing so I'll start the guessing game 😁. Serial tourist visa / visa exempt abuser and he's finally been pulled up by an officer and told to get a proper visa.
An agent I know told me it's very common at the moment
Ken Gunderson even famous people like F1 drivers have been held up and interrogated for hours in private rooms in the US.
I've been through plenty of times, every time the same rude treatment and ridiculous questions for a short holiday. They're in their right to do that but it's not friendly or always no hassle, I can assure you. I'm assuming you're a US citizen so you probably don't get to see it from the other side of the fence.
Until there's reports of people getting rounded up for not paying tax or being denied entry for not filing after staying for 180 days then people are just going to keep doing their residency in places like Dubai and roll the dice
that's 100% what they do. I submitted all correct documents as a company owner with a clear covering letter explaining and they asked for a letter from my employers HR department
The easiest way for a foreigner to make money in Thailand is to work online and don't tell anyone.
I certainly wouldn't be starting a business within the first 2-3 years until you understand the lay of the land and have some decent ideas. Don't be one of the guys who blows all his money and ends up back in the UK working until he's 70
Legally, you're going to find it pretty hard to get a proper job.
You need to find a way to have an income from overseas. You wouldn't be the first person to be in Thailand working on your computer at home making money.
no need to mention she's pregnant, could go against you.
If she has it in the UK on a tourist visa they will give her healthcare no problem but she might get a bill at the end of it which will have to be cleared to get another visa.
Done it 4 times, including for the girlfriends daughter. It's not hard. Success rates are published by the Government and it's about 95% that are successful. Don't listen to all the people telling you it's impossible or hard because it isn't. You just need to get all the documents together and the evidence you provide needs to match up with what you write on the application form. You should not mention things that you can't back up with paperwork.
You can message me if you want any tips. Don't pay an agent, if you do, make sure they are registered with the government and not a backstreet chancer