. In Thailand you got an extension of stay for 1 year I guess. Maybe on a visa Non imm OA or Non imm O originaly ? THEN it is not multy entry and you have to buy one as mentioned above...
Isn't it a possibility to get a non imm O single entry on base retirement in y'r country ? Then you have 90 days and after the quarantaine, open a Thai bank account and transfer 800k฿ in it. I know it's a bit hard to get a Thai bank account, but with y'r girlfriend (still no wife then), it should be possible at a Kasikorn- or Bangkok bank branch, If you reserve one day going from branch to branch. When the 800k฿ is in (after 2 months in), you can then go for a 1 year extension of stay based on retirement. Of course if you managed to be legaly married when asking a year extension based on marriage, then you need the 400k฿ in place. Just a thought ?
I agree that the money, 400k฿ is stuck for the rest of the active year extension. So seven months. But when that's finished you CAN switch back to that 12x 65k฿-plus income for your next year extension. So then it may not go below that 400k for nine months. Ofcourse you have to begin that monthly 65k transfer imediately when you have your active extension on that 800k. This because you have to show 12 months. I still can go on an Affidavit from my Dutch Embassy. Even combination method is still possible for us. No, I will also not use the 800k method, only if it should become mandatory. We Dutch can't even use the 12x 65k or 12x 40k if married income method. Only Affidavit and/or 800k or 400k(if married)
Well, not FOREVER !! After you used this bankmethod for the whole year, you always can change back to the 12x international transfer of 65k฿-plus method.
Y'r right but I think they don't care SO much. I have Pension, no salary, so thought to file a PND90. Lady revenue office just took a PND91. But guess it's getting 'a bit' of topic....🤐😉
: Sry, but if you read my first sentence, I said 'within that yearextension' ! That was a remark on the comment of Benjamin and Tod, when OP takes a yearextension.