Napalak *********
This is a summary of
Napalak *********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 3 questions and added 36 comments.



Napalak **********
@Garrett **********
nothing wrong with that question if you’re a kid.
Napalak **********
@Ernesto *******
what kind of question is that ? You were just curious? No follow up ? What’s wrong with you ?
Napalak **********
You don’t understand. They’re saying I should have kept the money in my bank account after I got my visa last year , for 3 more months in order to qualify for this years visa 🤪🤪🤪
Napalak **********
@Kool ******
I’m not confusing anything. That’s the info I got. I asked 3 times to be sure I understand well.
Napalak **********
@Garrett **********
they said that I should have kept the money in my bank account 3 months after I got the visa last year. In order to get this year visa
Napalak **********
@Garrett **********
kick him out. Just innocent jokes here
Napalak **********
Many of us are fed up with the democrat progressive bull that’s everywhere you look. We don’t need more here
Napalak **********
Just kick him out man. End of story. He has no power , even if he’s thai. He’s just frustrated because he lacks the ability to come here