Anonymous participant Yep I know stuff - been involved with China for the last 10 years. If you followed Chinese social media, you would know how hard it is for Chinese to get this Visa, what to speak as a foreigner even with work permit etc. But it seems you know better... good luck mate 🙏
Anonymous participant China doesn't want anyone want to leave the country and they block anyone from getting the DTV Visa. Just go to any SA Asian embassy, or pay an agent there. I would avoid Indonesia, as Muslims try to make it as difficult as possible.
Forget about the 90 day report. Just pay 60 bucks every year (or with DTV never since you leave anyway after half a year) and you feel free from the hassle and brainless government surveillance. You will thank me later. (I haven't done it for years and boy does it feel great to be free in the land of smiles)
I am sure you came across this before...many foreigners opt to never do the 90 day report and just pay 2000 baht fine every year, as it gives a relief from the stringet immigration office's polices, which are unnecessary, and a joke to avoid for 60 USD. People who tell you to report are conditioned to their homeland terror. I personally haven't seen an immigration office for years (on a non Immi visa - what to speak of a tourist visa, duh) as little money can buy anything. But I encourage this only if you are a person adhering to the spirit of the Thai people.