Antoine ********
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Antoine ********
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Antoine ********
@Bob *********
also keep in mind that if the very last day to report (7 days after) falls on a weekend and immigration is closed, you have to report before. Monday would be too late, and you have to pay a fine.
Antoine ********
You can even walk to the nearest MRT station. Should be not more than 60 Baht for motorcycle taxi.
Antoine ********
speaking of a Thai (motorcycle) license, is the Thai driver's license valid in Vietnam? I see a lot of conflicting answers online. Who has first-hand experience?
Antoine ********
@Steve ******
no age limit for foreigners, it's just the schools following Thai retirement age.
Antoine ********
ok, that might be true for people who have a reason to worry.
Antoine ********
I did many border runs. Why would someone need an agency to do so?
Antoine ********
keep in mind the branch where you open the account ist the one in charge of you. if you need any documents etc. that will be most likely the branch you have to go to, not others.
Antoine ********
If you start reporting online, do you have to continue doing it online in the future or can it be a mix, online and onsite? I guess it can be a mix, not sure, though.
Antoine ********
In another thread it's a 10-hour flight 😂😂😂