Ken ********
This is a summary of
Ken ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 4 questions and added 16 comments.



Ken *********
I returned to my house in Thailand in July after a trip to UK. Went to Jomtien Immigration and was told I did not need to do another TM30 as I was returning to my same address.
Ken *********
@Chris ******
understood, it's just that my wife and I both British had a problem renewing our retirement visas this year. For 15 years Jomtien Immigration accepted a copy of our Certificate but this year refused and told us to get it stamped in Bkk at Thai Consul. We went to Bkk and they declined to stamp it saying it need to go to UK for an Apostile stamp. After we got the stamp from UK Bkk again declined saying it had to be stamped by Thai Embassy in London ! We did all of the above and after nearly 3 months finally got it sorted !
Ken *********
If I do my 90 day report via the app on my phone, how do I print the receipt to put in my passport ?
Ken *********
When the app is up and running again, how do I get a receipt to put in my passport if I do it on my phone ?
Ken *********
@Tod ********
Yes absolutely no problems. Always accepted a photo copy of the original.
Ken *********
@James *******
thank you. I am not sure what you mean when you say I have been asking here and in other message boards though. I only asked here.
Ken *********
@Peter *******
they can get another 30 days without leaving the country at immigration office.