Martin ********
This is a summary of
Martin ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 8 questions and added 188 comments.



Martin *********
Send me your money, I'll pass it on to her.
Martin *********
Nine bob notes are fine, as long as they're not bent.
Martin *********
Make sure there's 5,000b in your passport when you stand in front of the Immigration officer, you'll be fine.
Martin *********
Why are you even bothering to ask? Settle for peace and quiet and get the Fortuner.
Martin *********
Try "Joe le taxi ", I've heard good things about him.
Martin *********
With all the conflicting advice, it's probably best to go for 90 days and live as you would expect to, then you will have a rough idea of cost
Martin *********
Check airline websites, don't rely on 100 different answers on FB