I guess it's definitely less than before (I haven't seen close to 10 anymore) but 5+ seems doable too IF you're lucky. There's a bunch of strategies but they're all sort of a crap shoot.
There still is no set rule because I had more than that last week and I can't find any red stamp. It must be fairly random as I was far from the one with the most too.
You get the vip visa or I believe a member posted a limousine service which comes with the priority line, so it's not so difficult if you really want it.
You can also find other jobs which can use different qualifications (for example an electricians school and experience) so depending on what you did back home you may be able to find a different job that doesn't require a degree.
That 50B may have helped but your reasoning would be way off mark. They don't think you're rich, but you're also giving them an extra 50B of income (bribe) so it definitely would help. When I'm worried I'll usually go with or meet the visa run company so they take care of that under the table stuff.