Why was my 90-day report in Thailand accepted earlier than expected?

March 6, 2018
7 years ago
Graham *********
Just an update on the consistency of inconsistency that we all have come to love in this wonderful country 😁

My 90 day report was due March 5th but as I left the Kingdom and returned 31/12/2017 I was advised that my new 90 day report day would be 90 days from 31/12/2017.

However, considering it was my first 90 day report, i decided to go along to Immigration on March 5th and play dumb anyway.

In and out in 10 minutes and new 90 day report reciept in passport for June 2nd. (Phuket Immigration)
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user discusses their experience with the 90-day reporting requirement for expats in Thailand, noting that despite being told their new reporting date would start from their latest entry date, they reported on the original due date without issues. Comments confirm reporting rules can be inconsistent, with various insights into the 15-day window for reporting.
David **********
A "best of" post?
Tod *********
just so you know, IF you are physically inside the country when your 90 day report date rolls around you must report.

IF you leave the country before that date when you come back your NEW 90 day report date is 89 days from the date you stamp into the country.

I know people who are on yearly extensions, but due to the amount of traveling they do have never ever filed a 90 day report in years :O
Jim *******
Will do in due course. Thanks.
Tod *********
or message me
, so we don't steal the O/P's thread. ;)
Tod *********
@Jim ******
, are you talking about the district city? or what field is the one that you're talking about?
Jim *******
Tod,but as that part was a requirement, and I put it in,but it's not on my physical one at CW, what can I do for this upcoming one apart from the long haul and expensive CW trip to correct it on paper?
Tod *********
@Jim ******
That means on Page 2 you need to match

Type of Visa

Visa Issue Date <- notice that is day month year :O

Visa expiration date <-notice that is day month year ;)

Type of housing

Address numbers (including room number)

Soi and Road, (like Sukhumvit Road Soi 12)

City from the drop down choices

District from the drop down choices

your mobile is not required but put it and your email too

If you get the same data entered as on your hand written ones it should go thru

Sorry to the O/P for hi-jacking the thread :/
Tod *********
@Jim ******
there are drop downs for the city/Amphur and the district. You can't get those wrong because once you select the city it only gives you the available districts for that area

You need to get the Soi 100% right.

Usually I tell people to ONLY put in the information on the lines that are mandatory (the ones with the red asterisks).

You can go back in to check my status (the green choice) and cancel the not approved report, then if you are still in the window of opportunity you can apply again. There's no down side to trying it..
Jim *******
Tod, thanks. Now I'm learning why. On the first report in person I put the exact info on the business card,but when filing online it asked for this part not on the card and I got the manager,and he added Ban PhanThom,which comes before Phra Nakhon, and was,of course absent from card for reasons unknown to this oldie.

Is there a way to correct this online, as that format required it as I recall.?

Many thanks for at least explaining the reason for doing 99% correct and getting Nowhere.
Tod *********
, WOW, I have never seen a not approved on a 90 day report once it went to a pending status :/

Did you make sure the address you used on the second page was the exact address you use when you file the report in person? Get the district and subdistrict right and all?

I just did one yesterday afternoon for someone and it was approved this morning when I checked the status.

Sorry to hear that :/
Jim *******
Thanks Tod. I deal with CW. Tried doing my third on line,got the Pending and printed it off. Checked 4 days later,told to visit immigration in Person.
Graham *********
Wow.. ok.. lol.. I understand now. Thanks
Tod *********
Jim James If you live in an area where the immigration office uses the online system (because some refuse to :/ ) You can apply online from 15 days before down until 7 days before your actual 90 day due date.

So if yours is due on the 27th you could apply from the 12th until the 20th.
Jim *******
Tod,my 90 days is due on 27th of this month. What period do I have if trying online? I know 15 days before, but is that the only online day?
Tod *********
Well, what ever works for you, BUT you were advised correctly, when you entered the country on Dec 31st your new 90 day report would be due 89 days from that date or on Mar 30..

Glad it worked out, although I still don't know why you went 3 weeks earlier than you needed to go :/
Jonathan *************
if you're out of the country it resets anyway doesn't it upon your return?
Graham *********
Thanks Tod. I know I was advised correctly but I will be out of the country at end of March so thought I would go to see if they would do it anyway.. which they did. As it's my first time, I wasn't aware of the 15 day window that I have. Thanks again
Tod *********
and the reason you did this instead of just going 89 days after you entered thailand (which no matter what they did for you was when your 90 day report was due) was why again?
Graham *********
Maybe as dumb as your surname Frank if you want to get into name calling (which I believe is forbidden on this site)
Frank ************
I think he is dumb πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Beat *******
play dumb is definitely better than play smart as a farang in Thailand, I think you did the right thing (no matter what date window was applied)
Stephen ******
They were probably just exercising a little discretion in this case.
Stephen ******
90 days after 31st December 2017 is 31st March 2018. The earliest you should have been able to report would be 15 days before that (16th March), so Graham is correct, it is inconsistent.
Ian ***************
Can be done 15 days before or 7 days after the stated report date.
David ************
That’s how it works in

My experience
Al *******
You have a window both before and after the 90 day report date. You showed up within that window. I see nothing inconsistent.
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