It's common with any visa application to use estimated dates, since, in many cases, you wouldn't dare to book the flight until you know you have the visa approved.
If you haven't already done so, signup for the visa application portal and get the process going. I had mine sitting there half-finished for a couple of weeks.
If you have any specific questions, then fire away, but the process is pretty straightforward.
They ask you about your travel plans, but don't require any evidence.
It is speculated that they ask about your travel plans, in order to potentially prioritise applications. I don't think anyone actually knows this for sure though.
For the remote worker category, you need a pretty decent income, but it's not that high.
The issue is that you need to be employed by a publicly listed company, or a company that has at least USD50 million revenue per year. That shuts out pretty much all small-medium business owners, or employees thereof.