Trevor *****
This is a summary of
Trevor *****
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 5 questions and added 107 comments.



Trevor ******
Lol just saying not my fault you packed so much can pack enough for 1week and buy what you need here then donate before you leave to family not beng a dick just saying its doable
Trevor ******
Write down spicy Thai hostel n be on your way don't go through all that bull shut been here 4months got the extension no questions asked because it's like 500baht a day if you register late I never registered and realized after 3 months fuck if I'm paying 500baht a day xs 3months I wrote down random hostel no questions asked
Trevor ******
better to just come Chiang Mai for the night leave in the am be there by noon do the border cross for 30minutes check out the Lil stands right across the border then walk back across her in the car and go but I'm sure my girl would bring you to the temple to
Trevor ******
Chiang Rai is 3hrs giver take way better then 12hrs if you book with my gf
Trevor ******
OK your passport will say your date and then take a ride there tomorrow my girlfriend will give you a great deal to drive you there and back and then stay at the spicy thai in Chiang Mai Send me a message I get you nice deal in a nice car with Bluetooth choose your own music and she speaks pretty damn good English n she also knows exactly where to go as I did it 2months ago Also I can arrange for you to see the white temple to its quit amazing
Trevor ******
every transaction has a date and then there will be a date showing your balance if not you have a shit ass bank company and I would switch since that's not convenient at all