no you have the greater percentage. You hold 49%. The 2nd person gets 26%. 3rd gets 25%. This is how it works.. 49 is higher than 26%. That's the leverage. That's the loophole. Straight up. A foreineger cannot hold higher than 49%
So you Wil give thai person 51% if you go one and one.
If you do with two thai. You keep 49%. One get 26% one get 25%. This way you don't lose your shirt. Yet a lawyer as you will need. Everyone else will give you other advice.
I'd say find two thai silent partners. Like I sadi that way you keep the leverage
Download the app called textnow and register a number in the USA. You can call from Thailand to USA through the app like it's a local call. Just need internet or wifi and it's good. Use it to call grandma and the bank in Canada etc.
Regular taxi (pink car, green car with yellow, red car with yellow) while they wait at airport they offer substantial higher rates. Hoping the tourist doesn't know about the following apps
Grab app is good for taxi cars. A bit more $$. Can connect to you bank.
Bolt is a cheaper option to get but doesn't have as many cars as grab. Can connect to your bank
Indrive is a cheaper option aswell they only take thai cash as payment
Grab, bolt, or Indrive may show up in a taxi car described above but you will pay the app price and not full taxi price. Most taxi drivers operate 2 or more apps to get business.
Grab app you can also buy food delivery with aswell as food panda and lineman app.
Use Google hotels to search for hotels and area. It will show you dates and prices... Click on those through Google and it's cheaper than booking through agoda, booking, and but also use vio agoda and booking for best prices to stay.. for tour trips from most destinations in Thailand best price options.. is a good website for booking buses and vans to go from destination to destination.
Lazada app is similar to Amazon. You can order anything here and have delivered to you place of stay.