No, not a 6 month entry stamp. However, I entered the country amd did not leave for 6 months as thry were offering exte tiomd internally at immigration. Without leaving the country. It.was never thst easy before or since. I can assure you that was the case. 100% fact.
Think about it... it is impossible it is legal. As if any country would allow this. As if your counry would allow this. So that means you are in illegal territory here, that means anything can happen. No matter what answers you get here.
You know its bad when it takes a 'War and Peace' to explain it and at the end of it all nobody's any the wiser 😂. But for sure a million have reported three being fine to narrow it down a bit!
Thailand doesn't have to pay for countries with a weaker economy unlike some EU countries. So it will probably get worse. Same as the last 20 years for Euro V Baht. I say it factually, not judgementally.