actually, I would say it’s my ability to think critically for myself, that led me to not fear the agenda which mainstream media have attempted to push. As I said, enough now. We have given up enough for you. You should be grateful for our sacrifice until now. And asking for more time is a little selfish.
if tourists refrain from entering Thailand, even more businesses will fail and close down. So many of my favourite venues closed already. My daughters little indoor play park closed. I live here, up in Chiang Mai. It’s not only solely tourist venues and activities that have closed… Even places which are 70% local clientele businesses have suffered and closed. That little bit extra that came from tourists was the difference between profit and loss.
it’s down to my particular network. The unlock codes for O2 are notoriously expensive for newer model phones. I unlocked an old IPhone 7 for 500 baht, so yes I know general unlocking isn’t expensive.
it’s a U.K. phone. It’s just how U.K. contracts work… Yes it sucks and they are as*holes for doing it. There is new legislation coming that will stop the practice but it was a way for them to try and keep you on their network.
Over it Rodders… We’ve all had the covaids now and know it’s nothing to fear. We’re all jabbed up to our eyeballs with vaccines that work so well, that we still get the virus, can still pass it on and recover after 1 or 2 days, whether jibber jabbered or not. It does frustrate me that people of your age will try and hold the younger generations from living and enjoying their lives after you’ve had ample time to enjoy yours, unrestricted. Also, Thailand is in dire need of every tourist it can get. Thais in their vast majority would agree with that comment. Hide out if you feel necessary but don’t dictate to the rest of us. Kiss kiss