Sabine ********
This is a summary of
Sabine ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 28 comments.



Sabine *********
Bangkok! Always Bangkok:-))
Sabine *********
@Lisa *******************
Not sure if they do something that outrageously customer-friendly in Germany:-)) But I'll sure ask, thanks for the advice!
Sabine *********
@Lisa *******************
Bags won't be checked through, I guess, as the flight from Bremen is on a separate ticket.
Sabine *********
Habe auch gerade festgestellt, dass ich ins Trudeln gekommen bin, weil laut Flugplan die Ankunftszeit bis Ende Oktober eine halbe Stunde später ist. Habe nun nochmal genau in meine Buchung geguckt, und siehe da, ab November sind es gut 30 Minuten mehr in Frankfurt, also dann 3,5 Stunden.
Sabine *********
Someone here said that marriage should be illegal. I totally agree. Why on Earth should the private relationship/love (or abscense of it) be the basis for all sorts of legal consequences/entitlements, from tax savings and right of residence (at first) to spousal support, incredible amounts to be paid as a result of divorce settlements (later), etc. Totally crazy. So don't forget you don't have to buy the cow if you only want a little milk every now and then...
Sabine *********
Why do men not realize that an Elite Visa is so much cheaper and so much less hassle than marriage...
Sabine *********
@Nick ***************
It's the worst nightmare of all parents. Unimaginable...
Sabine *********
@Nick ***************
Very sorry for your loss. No children should die before their parents...