Come to Pattaya with a carry on bag each and visit a few visa agents and get some pricing info. Make sure you can last a few months on a tourist visa with out getting bored
Each office interprets the rules in a way that works best for them, puts the interpretion on a piece of paper, and shows to foreigners. Each offices paper is different.
No matter which long term visa your on, you will always be treated as a tourist, and as such why would they want to tax you? It would only cause you to flee to another country and stop spending all your retirement money in Thailand
All of my banks won't send 2FA messages via Google voice. The thing that worked best for me so far is 2 phones one with mint ($15 a month) or tello ($10 a month) that go over T-Mobile network in us, and allow wifi dialing for voice and txt messages while overseas. Put the US phone in airplane mode, turn on wifi and let the phone with the Thai sim run a WiFi hotspot for ya.
Go to Cambodia get a business visa ($300 I think), then visit thailand for 30 on exception, extend, then border bounce with agent, do another 30 plus extension. Then return to Cambodia for 30, then come back to Thailand for 30 more, extend, etc. after te year is up extend Cambodia 1 year business visa for another few hundred USD...