Henk ********
This is a summary of
Henk ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 3 questions and added 60 comments.



Henk *********
@David ******
Thats 15 baht. I just entered Thailand from Savannakeht, no fee. Sometime in weekend they have overtime fee.
Henk *********
@Frank-Steven **********
I have an Indian 5 year visa that costed me 80$. Can go stay 3 months, then come back for another 3 months. For some countries it is a maximum of 180 days a year. Then 10k is not so cheap. But still I would be very happy with it.
Henk *********
@Brian *******
It would be a very silly visa if it was 1 time in 5 years. For what? For extreme planers that want to come to Thailand in 2018 for 180 days?
Henk *********
@Lynnette ******
The second io officer was simply lying. Said i go to other countries for a day to come back, which is simply not true. Said i come for the girls, well how does he know. When he wanted to put the stamp on one of my few empty pages and I asked him friendly to put it on one of the half full pages he again reacted very unfriendly. When I did not know were to go after all this he again rudely showed me out. Civilised? I felt like a criminal.
Henk *********
@Russell ******
Its pretty hard to explain all that to an io who speaks not much english. Got to keep it simple.
Henk *********
@Lynnette ******
I told them 30 days, 60 if possible. What is so bad about that? The internet is so full of wrong and old information, even on the goverment embassy sites, its so hard to know what is current correct information.

I not demanded 60 days.