This was an E-Visa? For even a slight error they can just cancel your request. I don't think is formally correct to say that you got "denied", probably they will just "cancel" it.
This mean that you did a formal mistake but you can apply again, it does not mean that you don't have the requisites to obtain the Visa.
It happened to me too months ago, they "cancelled" the request... they say that their system doesn't allow any changes, they can't change what you put. So if the information is wrong, even a small detail, they will delete your request.
se è rifiutata non c'è il rimborso, anche se sbagli qualcosa e teoricamente l'avrebbero accettata ma hai messo male qualcosa o dimenticato qualcosa non c'è rimborso. Non possono correggere niente, dicono.
She can steal from your joint bank account and your things, good look SUING HER! I heard many stories about western "husbands" getting up and they didn't find their car/motorbikes/money, and the wife...gone! 🤣
This is true only for some countries like United States! In Italy you just need to register as a "italian resident in other country" and tell them where you are resident. And puff! No tax to them anymore.
for me is okay to pay personal tax if you stay in Thailand more than 6 months. In almost every country is the same. The important thing is to avoid double taxation.
what consulate did you try? I think maybe the best solution is to temporarely send the money from the business bank account to the personal bank account. I heard people here said that they did and this get accepted.