the problem is getting all the paperwork legalized for the .arried visa. One department contradict thee other. I went ti a Notary public lawyer. It is then supposed to go rhe high court. The lawyer say it can not be done. Yhen it mist go to Dirco before to the Thai embassy.
Dirco want the origanal marriage certificate but rhen it will not have the red seal on it from Notary public lawyer meaning they will.not accept it at rhe embassy.
That is why I vhange or try different avenues. It is not easy this side.
If Thailand would have accepted my marriage certifivate with the visa all whould have been fine. I spoke ro the embassy.
They want it offenticated by Notary piblic, then by the high court then by Dirco and lastly by the embassy. I do not know how others mannaged to legalized their marriages in Thailand.
As you can see...that is why I struggle and therefore want to divert retirement visa.